HotelSlash is a member only travel service designed to assist travelers in obtaining lower rates on their hotel reservations. The service achieves this by continually searching for better rates, providing a form of price protection for customers. By accessing negotiated, members-only rates, HotelSlash is able to offer significant discounts on over 1.5 million properties worldwide.
HotelSlash offers a straightforward and risk-free sign-up process, simply click on Sign Up to become a member. By providing only your name and an email address, you can enjoy a free trial without being asked for credit card information. If you choose to continue using HotelSlash after the free trial, option to prepay membership is available.
The 100% satisfaction guarantee policy provides an additional layer of assurance, you can rest assured that if you are not completely satisfied with the service, you can receive a full refund without any questions asked. This policy demonstrates our commitment to providing a high-quality and valuable service that can save you money.
If you're looking for the best travel deals, look no further than HotelSlash. Simply visit our homepage, request a quote for your desired destination, and we'll send you the best deals we can find within a matter of minutes. Even if you've already booked your hotel, you can still take advantage of our service. Just forward your confirmation email from the original booking site to (for refundable reservations only), and we'll work to find you an even better deal. With HotelSlash, you can rest easy knowing that you're getting the most value for your travel dollar.
At HotelSlash, we believe in providing our customers with complete transparency when it comes to taxes and fees associated with their hotel bookings. To that end, we strive to include all possible taxes and fees in our prices, so that you can avoid any surprises during the booking process or at checkout. However, there are some taxes and fees, such as local city taxes or resort fees, that may not be included in our prices at the time of booking. These fees are standard across the industry and would be payable regardless of which website you use to book your hotel, even if you book directly with the hotel. We do our best to clearly display any additional fees payable at the hotel during the checkout process, so that you have full transparency and can make an informed decision. Our goal is to ensure that you have the best possible travel experience and that you are fully satisfied with your hotel booking.
When you receive a quote from HotelSlash for your desired destination, you can click on the link provided in the email to view the available deals. Each offer will include important details such as the room type, bed type, meal plan (if applicable), cancellation policy, and more.
Once you have reviewed the available deals and have decided on a specific offer, you can click through to provide your information and complete the booking process. However, it's important to note that rates and availability can change frequently, and prices are not guaranteed until a reservation is confirmed. Therefore, if you come across a good deal, we recommend booking it as soon as possible to avoid missing out on the opportunity.
When HotelSlash finds a better deal for your hotel reservation, we'll send you an offer email with all the details. It's important to act fast and click on the link as soon as possible since prices can change frequently. Once you click on the link, you'll be redirected to HotelSlash's booking page where you can select and book a new hotel room at the lower price. At HotelSlash, we always strive to find rooms that are the same or better than your original booking. However, it's important that you carefully review any details that are important to you, such as room type, bed type, meal plan, view, and cancellation policy. Please make sure to review the new reservation carefully before booking.
If you've booked a refundable reservation with us, we'll continue to track your new reservation for further savings right up until the free cancellation period expires. Our goal is to ensure that you get the best possible deal on your hotel reservation, so don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
At this time, we do not offer an automatic cancellation service for reservations. This is to ensure that we don't accidentally cancel any bookings that you may need, as they cannot be reinstated. If HotelSlash finds you a lower-priced reservation and you decide to book it, we recommend that you cancel your original reservation with us or the website you originally booked at to avoid being double charged.
Once you have received your new confirmation email from HotelSlash, please remember to cancel your previous reservation as soon as possible. This will help avoid any confusion or potential issues that may arise with your booking.
No need, we’ve got it! HotelSlash will automatically continue to track your new lower-priced reservation until the free cancellation period expires. We’ll notify you via email if we find further savings. Please note that when you book with HotelSlash, you are booking non-public rates and therefore you might already have the best available deal and we might not find any further savings.
No, because even if we were to find a lower rate for you, you would not be able to cancel your previous reservation without incurring a penalty cost. Price tracking only makes sense with refundable reservations which is why we encourage our customers to book refundable deals wherever possible.
Nothing at all. You'll still have the same reservation as you did before. HotelSlash will never change or cancel your existing hotel reservation. HotelSlash will continue to look for better deals until the free cancellation period expires so passing on a particular deal doesn’t mean that we’ll stop looking for even better rates. Please note that you may unsubscribe from tracking of any reservation using unsubscribe link at the bottom of our offer email.
While HotelSlash is constantly on the lookout for lower rates, sometimes it will not be possible to find a better deal as rates depend on a variety of different factors. The earlier you book, the more likely you are to save, but it’s possible you booked at a low point and prices have only risen from there.
If we can’t find you a lower rate, then pat yourself on the back—you did well! Note that we typically recommend booking as soon as your travel plans finalize so there is plenty of time for us to look for better deals. Just be sure to book a refundable reservation so you’re not locked in and you can take advantage of any lower rates we may find.
When you successfully complete a hotel booking with HotelSlash, you will see confirmation page on our website. A confirmation email will follow within a few minutes. The confirmation email will be sent from
Note that in addition to the confirmation email you should also have received a voucher email which has your reservation details. While the hotel you booked should be able to look up your reservation by your name, it’s helpful to have the voucher email handy in case of any issues.
If you don’t see an email from us in your inbox, our email may have mistakenly ended up in your spam or junk folder, so remember to check there as well. If you have difficulty locating your confirmation or voucher email, please contact us at and we’ll be happy to assist you further.
If your reservation is refundable and you’re still within the cancellation window (shown on your original confirmation email) you can cancel via our website. Click View/Cancel Reservation to view your recent bookings. If you have more than one pending reservation, review them carefully before deciding which one to cancel. Then click the "Cancel" button. You will receive a cancellation number immediately. This number will also be emailed to you for your records.
If your booking is refundable and before cancellation expiration date, a full refund will be issued. Refundable bookings that are past cancellation expiration date may be still cancellable and partial refund may be possible per the cancellation policy. Non-refundable bookings unfortunately cannot be cancelled or re-booked without still paying the full rate. For maximum flexibility we advise booking refundable reservations that allow for free cancellation until cancellation expiration date.
If you will not be able to use your existing reservation at all, and a refund is not possible, you may be able to list your booking with Roomer to try to resell it through them. Note that Roomer is a 3rd party service that is not affiliated in any way with HotelSlash.
Changes are unfortunately not possible. If your reservation is refundable and you’re still within the cancellation window you can cancel (see above) your existing reservation and re-book a new reservation.
If your reservation is non-refundable, and you wish to extend your stay, you can book a new reservation for the additional days, but the existing reservation cannot be changed or refunded.
Changes are unfortunately not possible. If your reservation is refundable and you’re still within the cancellation window you can cancel (see above) your existing reservation and re-book a new reservation.
If your reservation is non-refundable, and you wish to extend your stay, you can book a new reservation for the additional days, but the existing reservation cannot be changed or refunded.
Typos are the leading cause of credit card problems. Please check that you have entered all of the following pieces of information accurately:
Credit card number
Expiration date (in MM/YYYY format)
Cardholder’s name
Cardholder’s full billing address including zip/postal code
If you are certain all of this information above was entered correctly, please call your card issuer at the phone number shown on the back of your credit card for assistance. They will be able to tell you if your charge was blocked or if there is some other issue.
If your credit card issuer does not show any issue and you still have difficulty, feel free to reach out to our customer support team at for further assistance.
In order to keep our costs low, and be able to offer the best available rates, we are only processing payments in USD at this time. We are planning to process payments in other currencies in the future.
Each hotel has their own policy on number of guests per room so it can vary from one hotel to the next. Hotel policies are shown at the time of booking, and it’s important to review the number of adults and children listed in your reservation details to ensure the information is correct. Rooms are only guaranteed to accommodate the number of listed occupants.
Whether children can stay free of charge depends on the specific hotel's policy. Some hotels may allow up to two children to stay free of charge together with their parents, other hotels may add an additional fee depending on each child’s age. Feel free to reach out to our customer support team at if you have specific questions on policies at a particular property.
Please contact our customer support team at with your request. Note that each hotel has its own policy with regard to the number of guests allowed in a room, and it may vary from one hotel to the next, so requests cannot be guaranteed but we’ll do our best to assist you.
Any adult whose name appears on the reservation should be able to check-in to the hotel. For security purposes, hotel reception will ask to see photo identification and will also require a major credit card for room incidentals at check-in time.
It’s always a good idea to bring a printed and/or electronic copy of your voucher as a visual reference, though it’s typically not required to check in. Your confirmation number or booking number will not necessarily be the same as the reservation number at the hotel.
At times, hotels may provide us with information regarding their check-in and check-out times, which can be found in the booking remarks section. However, if this information is not available, you'll need to contact the hotel directly to obtain information about their check-in and check-out times for your reservation. While check-in is typically between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM, and check-out is at noon, please note that these times can vary from hotel to hotel. Additionally, some hotels may offer early check-in and late check-out services, but these are subject to the hotel's policies and may require an additional fee.
If you plan on checking in late, especially after 5 PM, or if you're staying at a smaller property, we recommend calling the hotel ahead of time to confirm that there will be no issues with your late check-in.
Your reservation is guaranteed for arrival on the confirmed check-in date only. If you don't check-in to the hotel on the first day of your reservation and you do not alert the hotel in advance, the remaining portion of your reservation will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund.
While it’s not possible to enter your hotel loyalty program member number at the time of booking, many hotels will accept it at check-in or check-out time. While earning loyalty points on your booking is not guaranteed, it’s certainly worth asking the hotel if they will add your member number for you.
Your booking information is secure and only available to you or a person you choose to share your booking details with. We will never sell or share your information with any third parties. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information or email us at with any concerns.
No, as your room reservation encompasses the entire booked duration, regardless of whether you actually use the room or not, hotels often implement a no-refund policy for early check-outs. This policy entails that you will be billed for the entire duration of your reservation.